Thursday 7 October 2010

Size 6

Since the glory of god saw it fit to give us poor students 'student loans', and I have been in receipt of this glorious gift (which I'll be paying for in blood, sweat and tears probably until I'm 40), it makes a mockery of my lack of self will to avoid the high street every bloody start of term.

And thus, I purchased two pairs of boots from Deichman, 'Great shoes, Great deals ;)', at £24.99 a pop. I was, however, the lucky receiver of getting a tenner off as I had spent over £40...what lovely people the Deichmans are! Anyway, I tried them on in a size 6...

(for this story to make sense I have to tell you some important information. I am usually a size 7, BUT, I have a penchant for very thick wool socks during the winter months. But alas, at the time of my purchase I was just wearing a thin pair of socks and a size 6 seemed roomy)

... So there I skipped out of my house this morning at 9:30 for the arduous walk to Uni. Takes about half an hour, and consists of a large hill which leaves me with a sheen of sweat and an unpleasant dry throat.

These boots though...

'Hmmm...what's that pinching on the back of my ankle'
'Maybe your feet have swollen due to the humidity of the general feet area'
'No, surely not, these socks are breathable. They're for hiking you know.'

The damn boots make me walk on tiptoes for the rest of the day. What a stupid look.

When I got home I realised the good people at Deichman wouldn't take a pair of muddy boots back (you'd be surprised how muddy the walk to campus is). So set about digging out the mud from between the grooves of the sole. With a kebab stick. What an ingenious invention. After a quick brush up, and a reapplying of the labels (clever me, I didn't want to litter on the street so I put them in my bag) I wondered back to dear Deichmans.

Thankfully, there was a large group of chavs outside the shop blowing some vuvuzela's (you know that awful piece of plastic that makes a loud noise, popular during the last world cup?) and this seemed to distract the diligent shop girl from checking that the boots I was bringing back were fresh as a daisy.

I walked out with my size 7's :)

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